Resave a connection to restart the Orchestrator

Restarting an Orchestrator in e-tailize

Step 1: Log in

  • Log in to your e-tailize account to access the main interface.

Step 2: Access settings

  • Navigate to the Settings from the sidebar on your dashboard.

Step 3: Go to Connections

  • Click onConnections to view all existing connections between e-tailize and the required systems.

Step 4: Manage connection information

  • Find the marketplace you want to manage and click Details next to it, found below the list of API connections.

Step 5: Save the connection again

  • In the detail view, clickSave to save the connection again. This action restarts the Orchestrator associated with that marketplace.


  • Check changes: After resaving, check the connection to ensure that the Orchestrator restarts and works as expected.
  • Regular updates: Keep your connections up to date to avoid service interruptions.
  • Technical Support: If the Orchestrator does not restart, please contact technical support for assistance.

For further assistance or to report any issues, please contact our support team.