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  2. Channelize
  3. Stock, Orders, Track and Trace

How do I synchronize my inventory from e-tailize to the marketplaces?

There are different ways to synchronize inventory from e-tailize to your sales channels:

1. From the webshop

Go to Woocommerce or Shopify in e-tailize and do an import where you only map EAN and inventory. When you press import, the inventory will be synchronized from Woocommerce or Shopify to the marketplace.

2. CSV file

Create an Excel/CSV file with a column for EAN and a column for inventory. If you want to communicate these inventory values to your marketplaces, go to File -> Download -> Download CSV. We recommend using Google Spreadsheets.

It is important that the inventory links from e-tailize are turned on. To check this, go to Settings -> Stock & Order Management and check if the sliders from the PIM to the marketplaces are turned on. Then import the CSV file into e-tailize.

3. From Picqer

Go to Settings -> Stock Forwarding and turn on the slider from Picqer to all marketplaces.


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