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  2. Channelize
  3. PIM (Product information management) System

How do I change/add the category of my products?

Refer to this article to change the product category and to add new category.

Steps to change the category of a product:

  • Go to 'Products' and click 'Edit' for the product whose category you want to change.
  • Go to the 'Category' section.
  • Click the 'x' to remove a category and click the blank field to assign a new category to the product.
  • Then Click on 'Update Product' 
    edit category

Steps to add a new category to a product:

  • To add a New category, simply type your desired category in the blank field and click the plus icon. You can then select this category.
  • You can also add a new category using the 'Manage Categories' button which is present in the Product Screen. This would give an overview of all the categories and you can delete a category as well from here. 

Manage Category

⚠️NOTE: You cannot edit the Category of the product once a PIM tab is created.