Guidelines for product lists for Maxeda Platforms (Praxis & Brico)

When listing products on the Maxeda platforms, which include Praxis and Brico, adhering to specific content guidelines ensures your products are approved and successfully listed. This guide is designed to help both tech-savvy and non-tech-savvy users navigate these requirements effectively.

Golden Rules for Product Data

Mandatory Fields:

  • All mandatory fields must be completed for your product data to be approved on both Praxis and Brico channels.

Title Structure:

  • For BE-NL and NL-NL: Format should be 'Brand'-'Product Type'-'Series Number'-'Attribute 1' and/or 'Dimensions' 'Other Keywords'. Ensure the title does not exceed 85 characters.
  • For BE-FR: The format should be 'Product Type'-'Brand' - 'Series Number'-'Attribute 1' and/or 'Dimensions'. Limit the title to 100 characters.

Product Description Guidelines

HTML Usage:

  • Incorporate HTML to format your description, which enhances readability. Use the Free Online Instant HTML Editor at for assistance.

Content of Description:

  • Describe your product comprehensively: what it is, its uses, maintenance required, what’s included in the box, and the legal warranty.
  • Use a conversational tone, addressing the customer as 'you'.
  • Include at least 150 characters in your description, with no maximum limit.
  • Repeat vital keywords, the brand, and specific product dimensions.

Unique Selling Points (USPs):

  • Provide three USPs in all required languages (NL, BE & FR), each with a maximum of 65 characters. These should highlight the product’s distinctive features and benefits that make it appealing to customers.

Image Requirements

  • Provide at least two distinct images per product.
  • Images must be clear and have a minimum size of 550x550px and should not exceed 450MB in size.
  • Consider including images that show the product dimensions or come with a manual if relevant.

Additional Listing Tips

Numeric Formatting:

  • Always use a period ('.') instead of a comma (',') when listing numbers.

Shipping and Returns:

  • Clearly specify the expected delivery time and ensure you adhere to this timeline.
  • Provide a free return label with each purchase to comply with platform policies on free shipping and returns.


Adhering to these guidelines not only facilitates the swift approval and listing of your products on Praxis and Brico but also enhances the shopping experience for customers, potentially increasing your sales and customer satisfaction. Always review each product listing for compliance with these standards before submission.