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  2. Channelize
  3. PIM (Product information management) System

What do Each Colors of the PIM Tab Mean?

When you create a PIM tab for a marketplace there is a color which is present next to the PIM tab. There are 4 Colors in which are used to indicate the status of the PIM tab. Each color indicates the stage the PIM tab is present.  These colors are present in PIM system after you have added connections to Marketplaces

  • Red 🔴

The 1st color you see as soon as you add a product in e-tailize is Red colour. The Red color indicates that you need to add PIM tabs for the particular Marketplace.

  • Orange 🔶

As soon as you add a PIM tab for a marketplace you are most likely to see the orange color. This color indicates that there are mandatory fields which are missing values.

  • Yellow ⭐

Once all the mandatory fields are filled in the color for the PIM tab would turn into Yellow and then you have to validate the product.

  • Green ✅

Once you Validate the product the color would turn into Green. Green basically means the product is ready to be Listed if not Listed to the marketplace.